Monday, August 31, 2009

Camp OBX Day 14, August 9 2009

Breakfast at any hotel is always an adventure. So many things to sample! Em & Mom are headed north where Star will meet them in Fredericksburg. He & Mom will continue on the Reedville and Em DC.

M, L, D & myself head east and plan to stop at the Pocosin Lakes Wildlife Refuge. We want to go on the nature trail. We ran out of time when we stopped here yesterday on our first of two scheduled stops. The day is hot and M is unimpressed with the walk until he spots a beautiful snake in the water. We had stopped to photo a spider web or we would have missed it. D & L took the path going in the other direction. When we get back to the beginning we do not see D & L and so we walk over to town thinking they may have gone that way. We finally call them and find them waiting back at the start. They join us in town and we have a very nice lunch and find out about the wolf howling on Wednesday's. We want to go!

We shop a bit, L get a bird house and M and booklet on sharks.

Then we finish our trip to home. We have just arrived and unloaded when new campers arrive. It is Stacy, Pete, Cade, Blake, Wythe and Jake who gets to come back for more than a day's worth of camp.

Signing Off for the day from Camp OBX

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